Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Article for The Eye

This the article that I am going to publish in the Eye. The yellow highlighted parts are the bits I have to re edit after getting feedback from Phil and Kate who are both journalists. If you can't see this clear enough click on it to enlarge it.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Progress

This is my progress for today. If you can't see this properly please push the arrows in the righthand corner and it will turn to fill screen.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today at Enrich

Today at Enrich I visited Phil McCarthy at the S.I.T and I started recording my learning including the feedback that he gave me. I also started my Keynote for presentation night.

My Survey

This is a survey that I made to ask the kids at Enrich what they thought my next article should be about. If this picture is not clear enough double click on it to enlarge it.

My First Article

This is my draft of my article that I want to publish in the Eye newspaper. I am waiting for some feedback on it from my experts but if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a comment.