Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday 28th June 2011

Hi Guys. Today I wasn't at Enrich till 12.30 because I went to the Sound of Music (a play). I got three new emails for Brendan (plunket)!After lunch I went to P4C with Katie. This week we were discussing "If little things should bother you." I think I am a bit of a perfectionist! That means I don't like to do things if I know I can't do well.

Write more next week.



Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hi Guys.

Today was awesome!!!! Well in the morning I did P4C (Philosophy for Children) because Brooke was late. It was about doubting. The main question was "Can you doubt that you exist?". We after a long time in deep thought we finally came up with an answer. You can not doubt that you exist because you have to think to doubt and you can't think if you exist. You can think you do not exist but to think that you would have to exist. In order to doubt you exist you have to exist in some form. Confusing, hey! Then I sent an email to Brendan (plunket) for an update but he was on a course and had limited email access.After morning tea I offered to help film Ruby and Maddie for their television ad. Then Brooke arrived. Later we went to the nearest intersection to film. After lunch we had a 5 minute perfectionism task and THAT was fun. After lunch I finished off my email and article for school. Now I am posting to you.

Gotta go.


Madi :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011